
Showing posts from June, 2018

How Protected is Your Data with Mobile Payment Processing?

In today’s smartphone-obsessed world, our attention spans are at an all-time low. When we pay for the things we need, we want it to be a transaction completed quickly so we can move on the next item on our to-do list. It’s no surprise then that mobile payments are growing to keep up with that demand. Mobile payment processing has become a necessary component to meet demand and will continue to evolve and grow.  According to Apple Insider, by 2020, both Visa and Mastercard have stated that they will require payment terminals in many markets to offer contactless payments. This will not only encourage businesses to embrace the new technology surrounding payment but will give the consumer more options to pay. While these increased payment options will make our lives much simpler, what do they offer in the way of protection? How will our information be kept safe amid the brigands that seek to steal our livelihood? If the retailer you utilize is using a great mobile pa

5 Ways to Turn Consumers into Regular Customers

It can be up to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a returning customer. With this in mind, keeping your current customers shopping with you time and again is of the utmost importance.    Below are five simple tips to keep your customers shopping happily: 1.  Keep in line Long lines lose customers. Everyone is guilty of abandoning items and exiting the line, determining the price of the purchase was not in fact worth the time to purchase it. By keeping your lines short, you’ll keep customers coming back. This is possible even in the popular pop up markets of today with mobile payment processing , which allow you to take payment via your smartphone. 2.  Loyalty program Loyalty programs have been proven to boost growth and are a simple way to connect with customers. The benefits of the program will encourage your customer to spend with you, as they will feel as if they’re getting a deal. While the data collected to sign up